“Silence in scream…

  • Silence in scream….

Like a stroke of a paint brush,

Like a flap of falcon’s wings,

Like a frozen thought in breathes,

Like a wavering flame in breeze,

Hopeful, resilient, and moving,

“Like Her”!!

In a heartless city of people with timid longings,

Like Strong praying halls, with stinking vacuum.

Like an inviting mirage in the desert,

Like a dry river in the mountains,

Like a tired leaf on a dry tree,

Like a thirsty beak of a bird,

Like a rain hovering miser cloud,

Like a fluttering flag of an abandoned temple,

Like, were if you have

‘nothing is bad,

anything is less,

everything is ‘go for more’!


“She does not succumb to dictates anymore”

…she has left the mortal journey,

Engraved in the eternal depths of his heart!

His Heart, “screams in silence” …

“Happy Birthday Soulmate”!!












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