तू तेरे मन आकाश का सूर्य हैँ…

तू तेरे मन आकाश का सूर्य हैँ,

समय ऋतू का अकंकृत संघर्ष हैँ ,

मृत्यु उत्तर नहीं, जीवन प्रश्न नहीं ,

स्वास हिमलय का चक्रव्युह निररंतर सक्रिय होता अब,

सीमित सागर मंथन का भास होता तब!

व्यास की वासना का उत्पन तेरा ग्रंथ तो नहीं? 

वाल्मीकि के अपमान का उपहास तेरा अर्थ तो नहीं?

विलीन स्वास कभी भ्रांती नहीं उगाता,

जीवित केंद्रों के अखंड सूर्य,

सूक्षम इक भाव नहीं उगाता,

जब ऎसे वातावरण की छाँव तु पकड़े,

स्वयं को उत्तर प्रदान कर अभिलाषा साथ,

स्मृति यह हो,

“मैं मेरे  मन आकाश का सूर्य हुँ !!

समय ऋतू का अकंकृत अविनाषी संघर्ष हुँ!!

मृत्यु उत्तर नहीं, जीवन प्रश्न नहीं”!!

में मेरे जीवन के ग्रंथ का रचेता हुँ!!

“मैं हूँ वह अहंकार”!!

प्रचंड हो प्रहार मगर, ओजिल होती हैं दिशा अगर ,

रक्त रंजीत होता स्वास का आवरण, श्रुष्टि कपाल का निष्पाप वर्तन,

तू हैं सदैव का विचरण भूत, नश्वर नहीं होता अष्टा महाभूत,

मन आकाश का फैलाव निहार , उदगम, ज्वाला , अंत का हैं सदैव विहार !

निराशा का आभूषण हो, रिक्त समय-कोख की दशा हो,

अंत निर्माण जन्म करता हैं, दूषित भ्रमित जीवन मनुष्य का,

आधार आस्ता का मंदिर नहीं होता, स्वीकार प्रहार तेरे ईश्वर का,

हैं बल तो पुष्प के संगर्ष को नस्मस्तक हो, अथक ब्रम्हन्ड का सेनापति,

“मैं हूँ वह अहंकार”!!      

Cosmic Drama…

Cosmic Drama…

Some say this, some say that.

Who am I?

Am the most stunning for the dreamers,
Of poets, of painters, of loners,
Of lovers, of winners, of looser,
Of kings and queens,
Of emperors and beggars,

Weaved in varied words and languages,
Of cultures and folklore,
Aspired, desired, lusted & inspired,
Have been painted in many colours,
Ages and centuries has passed,
Still I am an emotional anchor!
People talk to me and search,
The lost ones and feel peace.
People have thrown stones at me,
People have showered flowers to me,
People have raised questions to me,
People have bow down to me,
People have raised their chin towards me.
People have tried to hide me in them,
Soft cool cushion of just memories,
Secured, and breathing in isolation,
People have nourished their passion in me.
From the dreams of a virgin to the passionate mingling,
I have seen all and lived all, in all forms.
Like a secured feeling in hold of a grandfather,
Like a romantic rendezvous with a beloved,
Like a solace of cool balm on agony,
Like a first smile of a child,
I have been seen in all the shades and light.
I have been a mirror of youth for old age,
I have been the cherished icon for the romantics,
I have been the companion for the lonely spirit.
I have been forever young in your hearts!
I have been given countless names,
Epics, stories and poetries turn into,
The praise and songs about my beauty!
Wonder how real i would be in this?

The pain & anguish in separation from a beloved?
Tearing apart the very threads of love?
Least, if people know my ache and tears so far?
The eternal cosmic dance played a role,
I was snatched and tragically taken off from my love,
Chained in both of us were the eternal rotations.
Our anguish our cries did not make the gods deter.
The throbbing pain did not make us lost.
Our urge and pledge to be with each other.
In the frenzy of the cosmic dance we were struggling,
Tossed up and down mercilessly we were rotating,
To see each other – but were separated forever!
Centuries went, through dust and dark we were searching,
To be with each other – but we grew apart and afar!
Tireless with passion we were in destined journey,
Clinging to the hope and determined!
The cosmic dance altered its rhythm,
The chained rotation got stable,
What a sight it was to behold my beloved!
We both could see each other now,
But still lay away and separated.
A new space was emerging between us,
Fulfilling and challenging the rotations were eternal.
The new stable instability was laid,
Miracle of universe or destiny made?
We got aligned with the mighty Sun on way.
Salute or celebration of our sacrifice,
Reverence to our committed love or a new game?
The cosmic order was established.
I got the different level of phases,
In my embrace came the waxing and waning,
She got the different cycles,
In her embrace ushered seasons of birth and death.
Both still bonded by the eternal spins,
Live with immense desire to engulf each other.
Her anguish was shattering and in deep pain,
Her paths attributed different reality,
She grew enough stronger and a giver,
The hurt of separation is not healed,
She erupts violently in hot lava,
She breaks apart herself and destroys the lives,
She again re-creates beautiful new directions.
She is like a meditating sage and a fury of fire.
Our love has been a guiding principle for civilizations.
I am the Moon, she is the Earth!!
We are the love uncelebrated since millennium of centuries.
For the questions emerging from within,
People have a habit of looking at the skies for an answer.
It’s a fancy to think that skies are a peaceful place.
It’s a riot of movements and spells uncertain.
Violently noisy and insanely driven by invisible forces.
I and she also are entities, have our pain and sorrow,
Driven by the endless, tireless rotations,
We are all in the spin now and will be gone!
For her sake, i have to emerge as a Full Moon,
To soothe and cradle her with luminous me.
To keep me at rest for a while, she bears the Amavasya!
Eclipses happen to both of us, – it’s a crazy rotation,
We bear it for sake of love,
None is spared from birth, decay and death.
Alas the human fears the skies and remains ignorant!
I am the Moon, she is the Earth!!
My visit to her are determined by phases,
She lives with her cycles, along with me!
We too are the toys in the limitless cosmos,
But we meet, cherish n celebrate each other.
My phases and her cycles, natural occurrence
Interwoven and complementing each other.
The basis of love established!!
I understand her varied mood cycles,
I know her sorrow, pain and happiness,
I know her tears and devastating impulse.
But she does not know mine.
She, in divine trance is passionately rotating,
Her madness unaffected and unheard off,
Her fury is devastating, her creations are magical,
How do i dare to obtain her attention is never a concern,
I stay calm, cool, stable, and ever visiting her.
I remained alone, and became a catalyst.
I am the Moon. She is the Earth!!
We both complement each other.
I appear charming due to my love Earth.
I am desired by her, that’s enough for me,
I disappear and become dark, that’s my journey.
Earth longs for my cooling embrace always,
She becomes violent, that’s her destiny.
In such realms we don’t lose the grip of love,
We don’t worry about which is not in our hands!!
We too are like you, in the spell of cosmic drama.
People have cherished me, but none has try to know me,
Like earth i am not unique and create life,
I have no variety and tenacity,
I am barren and isolated, hot and cool.
My traces are present in the Earth too,
She keeps a part of me alive in her.
She prides in her creations longing for me,
She pays tribute to my love like this!
I will keep rotating her, endlessly.

I am the Moon, she is the Earth!!

We are the love uncelebrated since millennium of centuries.